Discover the new capabilities of the new family OmnivoTribe: OmnivoBase, OmnivoBridge, OmnivoRSC, OmnivoMobile.
Choosing for Application modernization means choosing for Commitwork. Stepping into "New World's" applications you will have to bet on OmnivoBase.
OmnivoBase can bring your new Java applications into production within only 28 days.
OmnivoBridge bridges the gap between your legacy server world and your "New World" clients. It allows you to invoke Java dialogues directly from your ScreenCobol requestors.
OmnivoRSC will bring up your treasures to the surface into the light.
OmnivoRSC provides a very smal interface for communication between state of the art clients and your legacy servers.
OmnivoRSC allows managing TMF transactions from client systems remotely. Using this feature, several calls to legacy services can be performed within a single transaction. A feature often missed in the past.
Th client part of OmnivoRSC can be invoked from any rich client as well as from other remote systems. This could be for instance any JEE App Server, SAP or any other system.
Discover the new capabilities of OmnivoMobile. Increase productivity by accessing business applications and -data using time- and location independent mobile devices, or communicate internally utilizing Push Notification Services – comfortable, system independent and safe.